About the Gulf Coast

The Gulf of Carpentaria is a shallow-water tropical sea containing varied and dynamic marine and estuarine habitats, such as mangrove communities and patches of coral reef and seagrass beds which are nursery habitats for commercial fisheries species and internationally significant marine biodiversity. The adjoining coastal area contains high conservation value coastal wetlands which support abundant birdlife, and extensive salt pans which are now being recognised for their unique ecological significance.
The Gulf Coast has a very high Indigenous population, including three tribes which converge on Normanton, and six tribes which converge on Kowanyama. There are two well established and highly respected Land and Sea Ranger groups, which are the primary delivery mechanism for on ground NRM along the coast. The town of Karumba is the focal point of a thriving tourist economy based on recreational fishing and a port which supports Gulf fisheries and the live export trade.

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